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RSPB Lough Foyle.

RSPB South Stack Cliffs. Photo: Nathan Lowe (

Summer is nesting season and here you’ll find Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes and Puffins, as well as the rare Chough.

RSPB Rathlin Island from above

RSPB Rathlin Island. Photo: (Alamy Stock Photo)

This remote retreat for breeding seabirds is home to Northern Ireland’s largest seabird colony.

Razorbill at RSPB Bempton Cliffs

Razorbill at RSPB Bempton Cliffs. Photo: Kevin Sawford (

Join an RSPB Seabird Cruise for an unforgettable trip and see Gannets, Razorbills, Kittiwakes and Puffins.

Join a RSPB event

There are a wealth of exciting events and days out at RSPB nature reserves across the country for you to add to your calendar.

Visit RSPB Loch Lomond on 16 June, 1–4pm, for the wild food foraging event. You’ll learn the art of identifying, harvesting and incorporating wild ingredients into your cooking. Cost: £24, £19.75 for RSPB members.

Visit RSPB Pagham Harbour on 1 June, 9.30am-4pm, for a nature and close-up/macro photography workshop. The workshop will combine theory with the chance to put into practice what you have learnt, capturing images of wildlife around the reserve. Cost: £42, £35 for RSPB members.

Book an event near you
Pagham Harbour’s Ferry Channel.

Pagham Harbour ferry channel. Photo: Steve Sayers (Our Media Studio)

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