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What sort of projects does the group get involved in?

A bit of everything! We have six partner organisations and with them we’ve installed Sand Martin boxes on the River Severn; restored marsh and woodland on an intensively farmed flood meadow; transformed unused playing fields into a home for nature; and developed a private nature reserve with a local charity.

Via the Wild Isles Community Fund you have raised money for your projects. How has the Aviva funding helped?

The Aviva funding has been a game-changer. We have purchased 500 hedge plants to create new hedges on our flood plain nature reserve, as well as supplies to build 24 Barn Owl boxes. We have also purchased four high-tech camera nest boxes for schools. As technology develops, we intend to use acoustic monitoring devices to assist our bird and bat surveys. The Aviva funding has made us braver and more ambitious for nature.

How do you organise yourselves?

We have a core team of committed people who run things, as well as help from brilliant RSPB staff. This work brings us joy, friendship and immense satisfaction. To join us, head to the RSPB Worcester & Malvern Local Group page.

Listen to this feature here:

Swift boxes with Worcester and Malvern RSPB Local Group. Video: RSPB

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Birders inspecting foliage

Birdwatchers. Photo: Patrick Cashman (

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