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Illustration of Common Gull

Common Gull. Illustration: Mike Langman (

Common Gull

Despite its name, this gull is not that common. It resembles a small Herring Gull but with all-dark eyes, greenish legs and a smallish yellow bill. In winter it has a streaked head and a duller bill with a dark band.

Illustration of Herring Gull

Herring Gull. Illustration: Mike Langman (

Herring Gull

Large and familiar, Red-listed Herring Gulls are the typical ‘seagull’. Their large size, pink legs, pale eyes and heavy bill complete with a distinctive red spot help separate them from the smaller Common Gull.

Illustration of Lesser Black-backed Gull

Lesser Black-backed Gull. Illustration: Mike Langman (

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Similar in size to the Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gulls are sleeker-looking with longer, yellow legs. Their black wing-tips have smaller white spots than a Herring Gull’s, which can be useful for identification.

Illustration of Great Black-backed Gull

Great Black-backed Gull. Illustration: Mike Langman (

Great Black-backed Gull

The largest gull in the world, similar in size to a Red Kite. With a jet-black back and upper wings, these birds stand out. Pink legs rule out confusion with the Lesser Black-backed Gull.

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