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If you’re looking for a sustainable source of high-quality thatch for your roof, we can help! Since 2005, we’ve managed part of the Tay Reedbeds, which stretch between Perth and Dundee.

Working with landowners, we create a mosaic of reed ages and structure to benefit species such as Bearded Tit, Marsh Harrier and Water Rail. The site has a long heritage of reed-cutting, and the RSPB continues with that tradition.

Once cleaned and bundled, reeds can be delivered across the UK and Ireland, with thatch sales helping to fund our conservation work.

Along the banks of the River Tay lies a very special wild space.

The UK’s largest continuous reedbed supports a number of special species. This is one of the few places to spot Bearded Tits in Scotland, as they flit over the reeds making their distinctive ‘ping’ calls, and elusive Water Rails skulk about among the vegetation.

You might also spot Marsh Harriers hunting over the reedbeds in the summer, where several pairs choose to nest. Delve a little deeper into the reeds, however, and you’ll find they’re also contributing to local heritage and sustainable building methods, as well as conservation.

Prior to 2005, the reedbeds were harvested at a commercial scale with large, extensive blocks cut each year. When commercial cutting was no longer financially viable, due to cheaper reed imports from elsewhere, the RSPB took on part of the site. We retained elements of the cutting, but in a way that sustainably produces thatch and benefits nature.

This involves cutting in smaller blocks, creating a mosaic of structurally diverse reed at different ages and heights. The combination of younger, more open reed and older, denser patches is beneficial for a range of species. For example, Bearded Tits use old reed for nesting and younger areas to feed on insects.

How work at RSPB Scotland’s Tay Reedbeds nature reserve is keeping ancient building traditions alive. Video: @RSPBvideo

The reed is harvested by a specially adapted low-impact machine and formed into bundles. Each bundle is cleaned and tied, leaving only the long undamaged reed, ready for use by thatchers.

If you are looking to buy thatch, contact Vicky Turnbull at We are the only producer in Scotland, and can transport it throughout the UK and Ireland.

Buying from us means you’ll also be helping to fund our conservation work. Thanks to the Carman Family Foundation for supporting this work.

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