Soaring high above, forked tail twisting in the wind, the Red Kite scans for food.
You could be forgiven for thinking this was a staple sight of the UK countryside, but it was not always the case. Once so prolific they could be seen scavenging on London’s streets, only a handful of Red Kites remained at the beginning of the 20th century, in Wales’ wild places.
Today, after decades of reintroduction projects, the Red Kite is back. And that success has been made possible by the support of RSPB members like you.
In 2008, Red Kites were brought back to Northern Ireland after a 200-year absence. This return was thanks in large part to the contribution of volunteers. Some volunteers have been working on the Red Kite reintroduction project from the beginning. One, Ron, was involved in bringing the first batch of kites over from Wales in 2008. This year, the Northern Ireland Red Kites have successfully raised 32 chicks. Learn about joining the volunteer network below.
How Red Kites are wing tagged as part of Red Kite reintroduction. Video: @RSPBvideo

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Get hands on with RSPB volunteering opportunities. Photo: Patrick Cashman (