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We were deeply saddened to hear of the death of nature writer and broadcaster Tony Soper in September.

Tony worked closely with the RSPB in many ways, including writing for this magazine and helping to set up the Sutton Coldfield RSPB Local Group.

In his career, he helped create the BBC’s Natural History Unit and Birdwatch.

You can watch one of the RSPB films he made, Getting to Know Birds, below.

RSPB Getting to Know Birds with Tony Soper. Credit: @RSPBvideo

Your memories of Tony Soper


“I had the privilege of knowing Tony for a very brief time during a truly wonderful fortnight many years ago when he headed a tour expedition to the Antarctic. His knowledge, affability and overwhelming respect for the land, ocean and all the wildlife dependent upon it was infectious. For anyone fortunate enough to visit such a magnificent, eye-achingly beautiful part of this planet this is an amazing experience.

“With Tony Soper at the helm it was so much more. During our return voyage across the Southern Ocean I encouraged every expedition member to make a cardboard tube penguin model as a memento of a truly unforgettable experience, all of which was overseen by a most remarkable person. My penguin, despite the loss of half a flipper, unfailingly performs this daily duty!”
Sandra Carleton

A model penguin made from paper and a cardboard tube

Cardboard tube penguin. Photo: Sandra Carleton

“I owe it to Tony for encouraging me enough to join the RSPB all of those years ago. I met him once as a boy when he gave a presentation at the Brewhouse theatre in Taunton and signed my book. He seemed very nice and attentive at the time and his show was very inspiring.

“Tony will be remembered for his dedication to the conservation and education of wild birds through his excellent and informative TV programmes and books on the subject. His New Bird Table Book is an obvious example and a mammoth contribution to wild birds!”
Andy Ellard

If you’d like to share any memories of Tony Soper here, please email

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