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Thanks to your ongoing support, our campaigns to end industrial sandeel fishing in Scottish and English waters – and provide a vital lifeline for marine wildlife that depend on them – are paying off. North Sea populations of the tiny silvery fish have plummeted in recent years, in part because of industrial overfishing.

But over 95% of respondents to a UK Government consultation supported a full ban on sandeel fishing in English North Sea waters; and over 11,000 of you supported our campaign backing the Scottish Government’s proposals to end industrial sandeel fishing in all Scottish waters.

We’re now awaiting decisions from both governments. Find out more: Our Sandeel campaigns.

Help us to save our seabirds

Read the RSPB’s report on the link between seabird decline and reduced sandeel availability and what can be done to ensure more fish are available for our seabirds. The RSPB is calling on governments to throw a lifeline for some of the country’s most-loved birds by setting tougher controls on fishing for sandeels. You could write to your local elected representative to ask them to take action.

Find out more
Puffin with sandeels in its beak

Puffin eating sandeels. Photo: Jacky Parker (Getty images)

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