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Four to find

Buff-tip moth


Mottled grey forewings, creamy hindwings, a buff-coloured head and forewing patches. At rest, wings wrap around its body so it looks like a birch twig. Caterpillars feed on deciduous trees. Wingspan is 4.4–6.8cm.

Garden Tiger moth

Garden Tiger

Forewing patterns are highly variable. Orange hindwings have blue-centred black spots. Wingspan is 5–7.8cm. Caterpillars feed on nettles, dandelions, dock leaves and other garden plants.

Large Emerald moth.

Large Emerald

Pale emerald-green with scalloped white lines across the wings and a row of white spots below. Adults rest with wings spread. Wingspan is 5–6cm. Caterpillars like Beech, Hazel, Alder and birches.

Elephant Hawk-moth

Elephant Hawk-moth

Pink and olive-green with white legs and antennae, and black near the body on hindwings. Wingspan 4.5–6cm. Adults feed on nectar from tubular flowers. Caterpillars favour willowherbs, bedstraws and fuchsias.

Watch as Luke from the RSPB reveals what he attracted in his moth trap, filmed during lockdown in 2020. Video: The RSPB

Grow food for moths

There are around 2,500 types of moth in the UK and they’re a key part of the food chain. Sadly, they’re also in decline. But there’s lots we can do in our gardens to boost their numbers. Find out how you can do more for moths in your garden by clicking below.

Read more
Elephant Hawk-moth

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