Which bird re-appeared in the top ten in the results of January’s Big Garden Birdwatch?
- Waxwing
- Long-tailed Tit
- Robin
- Mallard
March saw the launch of Wild Isles, a major TV series showcasing the UK’s wildlife was co-produced by the RSPB and WWF. The series included stunning footage of eagles, geese and hares at RSPB Loch Gruinart. But can you find this special place on the map?
<p>Click or tap on where you think it is on the map above.</p>
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In April, wetlands along the east coast of England were added to the tentative list of potential…
- UNESCO World Heritage sites
- Filming locations for the next Doctor Who series
- Winners of the Mudflat of the Year award
- Reintroduction sites for a rare species of diving beetle
An RSPB study concluded that the eye colour of Gannets that had survived avian flu were what colour?
- Blue
- Green
- Black
- Orange
In July, MPs debated the compulsory inclusion of nest bricks for which bird in new housing developments?
- House Martin
- Starling
- Swallow
- Swift
Which animal was returned to Loch Lomond in January?
- Beaver
- The Loch Lomond Monster
- Otter
- Goosander
And which animal was re-introduced to the RSPB nature reserve at Haweswater in August?
- Bank Vole
- Water Shrew
- Great Yellow Bumblebee
- Water Vole
Also in August, it was revealed that which bird of prey bred in Northern Ireland for the first time in over 200 years?
- Hen Harrier
- Kestrel
- Merlin
- Osprey
How many organisations were involved in producing the State of Nature 2023 report?
<p>The State of Nature report is the most comprehensive report on the UK’s current biodiversity.</p>
- One
- Twelve
- Twenty seven
- Over 60
The RSPB’s nature friendly farming standard is called:
- Fair to Fieldfares
- Fair to Fields
- Fair to Nature
- Vital to Voles