Wide, flat floodplains lie either side of a river.
They can temporarily store water during big flood events, releasing it more slowly later on. This reduces the peak of the flood, which can help reduce flooding downstream.
These floods also deposit nutrient-rich sediment on the floodplain.
The winding meanders form as the river cuts into and erodes the floodplain on the outer side of its meander, while the slower flow on its inner side allows sediment to accumulate.
Here are four important facts to know about these amazing places:
1. Floodplains are protective – they act as carbon sinks and as a store and sponge for excess water, lessening the chances and impact of flooding in built-up areas downstream.
2. As we face the climate and ecological crisis, the importance of healthy floodplains is even more paramount. They can support a high diversity of wildlife and therefore need to be protected.
3. The Lammas Lands floodplain meadows of the Upper Thames in Godalming, Surrey, include nearly 32 hectares of flower-rich meadows. There are an increasing number of projects to reunite rivers with their floodplains, including Swindale Beck in the Lake District.
4. Many UK floodplains (at least 42%) are no longer functioning or ‘connected’ to their river due to river engineering (ie straightening) and land drainage.