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Through our partnership with grounds maintenance contractor idverde, we’re collaborating with community green space groups to improve habitat and give our imperilled Willow Tits a fighting chance across the English midlands. Numbers of this Red-listed species in the UK have plummeted by 94% since the early 1970s. To address this decline, since 2019 we’ve worked with stakeholders, landowners, committees and groups across 1,000ha of green space managed by idverde on behalf of local authorities. For example, in Charnwood, a section of the Outwoods – SSSI semi-ancient woodland in Leicestershire – an enthusiastic group of Green Gym volunteers led by idverde’s Ranger Team and a dedicated RSPB advisor have created 0.5ha of enhanced Willow Tit habitat. This work can involve building natural dams in small watercourses to create wetter areas, increasing standing dead wood to provide nesting spaces or installing nest boxes. We’re aiming to expand efforts around Northampton and elsewhere.

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Volunteer gardeners plant a wildflower bed

Volunteer gardeners plant a wildflower bed. Photo: Rob Carmier (

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