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One of the UK’s most precious habitats has received global recognition for its biological diversity.

The Flow Country – the world’s largest swathe of blanket bog, spanning some 4,000km2 in northern Scotland – has been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage site!

This precious expanse of Sphagnum mosses is home to wildlife including Golden Plovers, Greenshanks, Hen Harriers, Black-throated Divers, Water Voles and Otters and stores more carbon than all the UK’s forests.

At its heart is the RSPB Forsinard Flows nature reserve – so we’re delighted that the Flow Country will join the Great Barrier Reef and the Galápagos Islands on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

The recognition of the site, and the increased public awareness, also ensures the Flow Country’s protection.

Watch Peatland Engagement and Communications Officer Milly Revill Hayward celebrate the recent decision to designate the amazing Flow Country as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Video: @RSPBvideo

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